Archive for the ‘ look what I found… ’ Category

When I was a kid…

.. I looked like this. Happy Tuesday! x

Unusual Dancing Project By Jordana Mattera

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I got an email the other day of my brother asking, if this was my idea. And I love the idea.
The New York dance groups took part in an unusual project Jordana Mattera “Dancers Among Us”. by meterdown



lovely. (found via tumblr)

The Foundmagazine

I have known the Foundmagazine for many years – it shows one find every day and it often makes me laugh and almost cry…

“So, what’s this all about?
We collect found stuff: love letters, birthday cards, kids’ homework, to-do lists, ticket stubs, poetry on napkins, doodles– anything that gives a glimpse into someone else’s life. Anything goes.

We certainly didn’t invent the idea of found stuff being cool. Every time we visit our friends in other towns, someone’s always got some kind of unbelievable discovered note or photo on their fridge. We decided to make a bunch of projects so that everyone can check out all the strange, hilarious and heartbreaking things people have picked up and passed our way.

And how’d this all start?
One snowy winter night in Chicago a few years back, Davy went out to his car and found a note on his windshield — a note meant for someone else, a guy named Mario…”

check out the Foundmagazine


Unter dem Titel “Warum Frauen ihren Mädchennamen behalten sollten” berichtet “Psychologie heute” im Oktoberheft über eine holländische Untersuchung. Die SozialpsychologInnen stellten nicht nur fest, dass es reale Unterschiede zwischen Frauen gibt, die bei der Eheschließung ihren Namen wechseln und solchen, die ihn behalten: vor allem bei der politischen Einstellung und beim Einkommen. Es gibt auch Image-Unterschiede: Frauen, die ihren Mädchennamen behalten, wurden im Gegensatz zu Namenswechslerinnen und Doppelnamen-Trägerinnen von einer Gruppe Studierender als “intelligent, unabhängig, selbstbewusst und emanzipiert” angesehen.

“Ihnen wurde zugetraut, auch ohne Mann im Leben zurechtzukommen und gut zu verdienen (auf ein Arbeitsleben hochgerechnet, verdienen sie geschätzte 361.708,20 Euro mehr).”

via watch-salon

Vorfreude auf Deutschland / Germany-anticipation

pic by nenaugust

oh yeah.

I just visited my friend Lynne’s blog and stumbled on Georgie’s blog and found this picture of her grandparents. I love it. It’s a cool cheesy. Desmond and I are getting married in less than two months and I will make sure a picture like this is taken. By the way – something like nothing is organized for our wedding. It will be very off-mainstream, simple and hopefully stress-free. We don’t want anyone to combine the word stress and our wedding ever! x

“You always make me smile” ;)

aus dem Land der Dichter und Denker

That’s why Germany makes me laugh xxx
by sightunseen

pic found @ MissMoss