Archive for the ‘ remember ’ Category


Yesterday, Des and I were married for 2 months! yeah! Merry Christmas everyone… don’t forget what it’s all about. x

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The little things…

What a super chilled day with a walk around the Milnerton Market and a surf in Big Bay (Blouberg).  I realized it’s the little things that make happy (e.g. the feeling when I blowdry my hair)… and had to think of this lovely poem of Rilke.. Happy Sunday..

Die kleinen Dinge

Die meisten Menschen
wissen gar nicht, wie schön die Welt ist
und wie viel Pracht in den kleinsten Dingen,
in irgendeiner Blume, einem Stein,
einer Baumrinde oder
einem Birkenblatt sich offenbart.
Die erwachsenen Menschen,
die Geschäfte und Sorgen haben
und sich mit lauter Kleinigkeiten quälen,
verlieren allmählich ganz den Blick
für diese Reichtümer,
welche die Kinder,
wenn sie aufmerksam und gut sind,
bald bemerken
und mit dem ganzen Herzen lieben.

by Rainer Maria Rilke 1875-1926

Home sweet home…

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This is how it looks like where I grew up at the moment… everything is covered in snow… my brother sends me an Adventskalender every day with pix from home… I miss it!

If it would be winter…

.. I’d be watching this movie… but I am in Africa and not at home, which is filled with snow…

reunion. Wiedersehen.

I blogged this clip before. Got up at 4.40 am this morning to pick up my German friends from the airport… waited and saw scenes like this with tears in my eyes. I am such a girl. Happy Monday. x

same here… endless curiosity..

by springbreakbroke

do it..

found on fashionsociety

“Your fucking paradise is in your backyard”

“Your fucking paradise is in your backyard” – I read this today in a magazine. A good reminder. I spent the whole day outside… shark cage diving for work… how cool is that? I probably would have never done it, but will write about it now.. Cape Town is beautiful, endless things on offer… enjoy your paradise… just a matter of perspective where it is. x


pic by chelsey

oh yeah

by fuckyeah

via tumblr